LESSON PLANS 11-29/12-3

MONDAY- take notes over 3 branches of government; Reminder of Word Wall #5 due Thursday and test Friday

TUESDAY- If absent Monday, copy notes from the board; Work on 3 branches of government handout- due tomorrow; Create 3 note cards on construction paper I provided;

WED.- Grade 3 branches of government handout; finish 3 note cards; Reminder Word Wall #5 due tomorrow and test Friday; Fill in blanks on handout covering  duties of the 3 branches of government; Start Tree handout

THURSDAY- Grade Word Wall #5 definitions; test tomorrow; Grade note cards and fill in the blanks handout; Take 3 branches of government Test; Finish the tree handout over branches due tomorrow;

FRIDAY- Tree handout is due; Take Word Wall #5 Test; handout Word Wall #6

LESSON PLANS 11-15/11-19

MONDAY- Work on Atlas and Almanac; Retake any failed Word Wall #4 Tests or absent students take the test; Handout Word Wall #5 due 12-2 and test 12-3;

TUESDAY/WED- Continue with Atlas and Almanac- due Thursday

Thursday– Grade Atlas and Almanac; Start Chapter 4 handout

Friday- Work on Chapter 4 Handout

Happy Holidays


LESSON PLANS 11/1-11/5

MONDAY- Finish up Project- due tomorrow

TUESDAY- Check everyone’s slide show or Poster/ Start Presenting

WED.- Present


FRIDAY- Anyone absent or had not gone will today; Word Wall #4 due next Thursday 11-11 and TEST 11-12 FRIDAY; start symbols and belief systems handout/ Word find about religions

PROJECT: We have been working on this project for three weeks in class and they could have done it at home as well.  Any failures or incomplete presentations will have work to do for a makeup grade.

LESSON PLANS 10/25-10/29

MONDAY- Handout Adjustments to project and discuss with the class.  Information handout is to be filled out and sources on the back of each religion by 28th, Thursday; Final Project due date is November 2nd and that is when we will start presenting.

TUESDAY- Work on Info handout; Once I have checked Info handout, you may begin working on the final part of project.

WED.- Finish Info Handout, due tomorrow; work on final part of project

THURSDAY- All Information Handout packets are due;  Work on Final project

FRIDAY- work on Final part of project that is due next Tuesday, 11-2; Word Wall #4 is due 11-11th AND TEST 11-12

LESSON PLANS 10-18/10-22

MONDAY- No school

Tuesday-grade Jr Scholastic handout; Introduce Religions Project with certain due dates- Project due 10-28th; Paper signed by tomorrow

WED.- Start project; return papers signed;

Thursday- Work on Project

Friday- information handout due Monday; Finish filling in information handout; start making you final project due 28th,

LESSON PLANS 10-4/10-8

MONDAY- Complete the Chapter 3 Handout and start Ch 3 Book Review; Grade Ch 3 handout and fill out Religions handout to use a source later

TUESDAY- Complete Chapter 3 Book Review pages 116-117; pg 116 #4 (1-3) AND page 117 (1-6); Work on Word Wall #3

WED- Grade Book Review; Work on Chapter 3 Lesson 1,2,3 Quiz’s using book;

THURSDAY- Complete all section quiz’s; Review for Chapter 3 Test tomorrow

FRIDAY- Take Chapter 3 Test; Read Chapter 4 Lesson 1

LESSON PLANS 9/20-9/24

LESSON PLANS 9/20-9/24

MONDAY- Review for Latitude and Longitude Test by going over the test in class; Introduce students to Junior Scholastic and give the code they need all year; code is : WOMSSCOPE   Remember we do Junior Scholastic in SS NOT SCOPE magazine.

TUESDAY- Take Latitude and Longitude Test (9 wk test); Work on Word Wall #3 afterwards;

WED.- Early Release- Work of Word Wall #3; view Jr Scholastic

THURSDAY- Practice with everyone signing onto Junior Scholastic on computer;  We will always use the magazine in class but have to use internet outside of class to pull up the online copy of that months issue; Work on Jr Scholastic handout

FRIDAY- continue to work and complete Jr Scholastic handout; work on Word wall #3 afterwards; Read Chapter 3 Lesson 1 if all caught up with work;

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