MONDAY- Word Wall #5 Retakes this morning or Tuesday morning; Finish and grade 3 branches of government handouts and use lists on the quiz; Work on Word Wall #6

TUESDAY- Any retakes of Word Wall #5; Start Pearl Harbor Lesson; Listen to Pearl Harbor speech;

WED. Continue working on Pearl Harbor lesson

Thursday- Complete and go over Pearl Harbor lesson; File papers from 2nd nine weeks

Friday- Pass out Exam review to study;  Tell everyone their exam schedule; may start Jr scholastic December issue


Monday and Tuesday- regular school day- work on Jr Scholastic; Cover Exam review for bonus points;

WED:EXAMS for periods 6 and 7

THURSDAY- Exam periods 1st and 3rd; 5th and out of school at 12:15

FRIDAY- Exams 2nd and 4th; then 8th and out of school at 12:25-