MONDAY- Cover Chapter 6 Lesson 3; Fill in Chapter 6 lesson 3 in Chapter 6 Handout; Work on Chapter 6 Book Review page220 (#4 (1-7) AND page221 (1-6); Chapter 6 Test Friday

TUESDAY- Complete Chapter 6 Book Review; Handout Chapter 6 Test Review and complete; Check the review Thursday since early release is tomorrow; Unit 3 introduced pages 226-230 at 3 questions per page (15 total);

WED- EARLY RELEASE; Work on Unit 3 pages 226 through 230; each page has 3 questions (15 Total for grade);

THURSDAY- Go over Chapter 6 Test Review; Bonus offered while doing Test Review challenge; Work on Unit 3;

FRIDAY- Take Chapter 6 test; Complete Unit 3 due Monday if not done by end of class; Work on Word Wall #8;


MAKE sure you click on Lesson Plans to see the work for the week.  The test will not be shown except to those who need oral the day of the test.



MONDAY- Word Wall #7 due; Test tomorrow; Review for the test with the class; Complete Chapter 6 Handout pages 1-7

TUESDAY- Quick Review; Take Word Wall #7 Test; Pages 1-7 are due tomorrow for grade;  Word Wall #8 is the last page in your Chapter 6 handout;

WED- finish up covering pages 6-7 as a class going through section 2; EXTRA CREDIT OFFER- you may do pages 11-14 due Friday;

THURSDAY- Assign Chapter 6 Lesson 3 reading and covering guided reading pages 8-10; not homework

FRIDAY- EXTRA CREDIT DUE; Finish Chapter 6 Lesson 3 pages 8-10 and go over as a class; Start Chapter 6 BOOK REVIEW pages 220 #4 (1-7) AND page 221 (1-6); Not Homework, we will work on it Monday as well.

LESSON PLANS 1/31-2/4 (click on lesson plans in google classroom to see all the work)

MONDAY-If missed school Friday see me for Chapter 5 Test; Do UNIT 2 pages 122-126 (1-3 on each page number) 15 total questions; Read Chapter 6 section 1 and start page 201 (1-4); REMINDER Word Wall #7 due Thursday and TEST FRIDAY;

TUESDAY- Grade Unit 2 work; Complete Chapter 6 section 1 reading and answer page 201 (1-4); Handout Chapter 6 Handout; Start Voc. Builder by doing pages 1-3;

WED- Complete and grade page 201 (1-4); Fill in Lesson 1 guided reading in handout pages 4-5; Word Wall #7 due tomorrow and TEST Friday

THURSDAY- Word Wall #7 due and Test tomorrow; Cover 6-1 guided reading together in class; Kahoot for test tomorrow

FRIDAY- Take Word Wall #7 Test and handout Word Wall #8; Read Chapter 6 lesson 2 and start guided reading pages 6-7 (not homework);

LESSON PLANS 1-24/1-28

MONDAY- Complete pages 15-18 in Chapter 5 handout; Chapter 5 Lesson 3 Quiz tomorrow; Start on 19-22

TUESDAY- Take Quiz 3; Do Chapter 5 Review at end of chapter page 188 (1-10) AND page 189 1-6 due Thursday; complete pages 19-22;

WED.-Early Release day- Make a kahoot

THURSDAY- Grade Chapter 5 Review and pages 19-22; Fill in Chapter 5 Test Review that I handout; Test tomorrow

FRIDAY- Take Chapter 5 Test; Work on Word Wall #7; Read Chapter 6 section 1


LESSON PLANS 1/17-1/21


TUESDAY- Go over Chapter 5 Lesson 1 (pgs6-8); Prepare for Ch 5Lesson 1 Quiz; work on pages 9-12

WED. Take Chapter 5 Lesson 1 Quiz; Complete pages 9-12; read Chapter 5 Lesson 2

THURSDAY- go over pages 9-12 together; start lesson 2 pages 13-14; quiz 2 tomorrow

FRIDAY- takes Quiz 2; read chapter 5 lesson 3 and do guided reading as you read 15-18 not homework; will finish Monday

LESSON PLANS 1/10-1/14

MONDAY- take Canadian Map Test; Complete Jr Scholastic (December Issue) due Tuesday; Word Wall #6 due Thursday, Test Friday; Read Chapter 5 Lesson 1

TUESDAY- Grade Jr Scholastic; Handout Chapter 5 Handout; Do Voc. Skills 1-3 AND Geography Skills pages 4-5) due tomorrow and will grade; Read Chapter 5 lesson 1

WED.- Grade Pages 1-5 in Chapter 5 Handout; We will cover Chapter 5 Lesson 1 by doing the guided reading together in the handout pages 6-8. Word Wall #6 due tomorrow and Test Friday;

THURSDAY- Word Wall #6 due and Test tomorrow; Complete Chapter 5 Lesson 1 guided Reading; Do a Kahoot for the Test tomorrow;

FRIDAY- Word Wall #6 Test; Handout Word Wall #7 due 2-3 and Test 2-4;  Start on pages 9-12 in Chapter 5 handout after pages 6-8 are complete,


MONDAY-Teacher work day

TUESDAY- Grade Pearl Harbor handout; Handout Canada territories map to study for test MONDAY; Reminder of Word Wall #6 due 13th and test 14th;

WED/THURSDAY- Work on Jr Scholastic and will grade Friday

FRIDAY- grade JR Scholastic; Work on Word Wall #6; Finish studying for Canada territories test Monday;


LESSON PLANS 12-6/12-10 AND 12-13/12-17

MONDAY- Word Wall #5 Retakes this morning or Tuesday morning; Finish and grade 3 branches of government handouts and use lists on the quiz; Work on Word Wall #6

TUESDAY- Any retakes of Word Wall #5; Start Pearl Harbor Lesson; Listen to Pearl Harbor speech;

WED. Continue working on Pearl Harbor lesson

Thursday- Complete and go over Pearl Harbor lesson; File papers from 2nd nine weeks

Friday- Pass out Exam review to study;  Tell everyone their exam schedule; may start Jr scholastic December issue


Monday and Tuesday- regular school day- work on Jr Scholastic; Cover Exam review for bonus points;

WED:EXAMS for periods 6 and 7

THURSDAY- Exam periods 1st and 3rd; 5th and out of school at 12:15

FRIDAY- Exams 2nd and 4th; then 8th and out of school at 12:25-

LESSON PLANS 11-29/12-3

MONDAY- take notes over 3 branches of government; Reminder of Word Wall #5 due Thursday and test Friday

TUESDAY- If absent Monday, copy notes from the board; Work on 3 branches of government handout- due tomorrow; Create 3 note cards on construction paper I provided;

WED.- Grade 3 branches of government handout; finish 3 note cards; Reminder Word Wall #5 due tomorrow and test Friday; Fill in blanks on handout covering  duties of the 3 branches of government; Start Tree handout

THURSDAY- Grade Word Wall #5 definitions; test tomorrow; Grade note cards and fill in the blanks handout; Take 3 branches of government Test; Finish the tree handout over branches due tomorrow;

FRIDAY- Tree handout is due; Take Word Wall #5 Test; handout Word Wall #6

LESSON PLANS 11-15/11-19

MONDAY- Work on Atlas and Almanac; Retake any failed Word Wall #4 Tests or absent students take the test; Handout Word Wall #5 due 12-2 and test 12-3;

TUESDAY/WED- Continue with Atlas and Almanac- due Thursday

Thursday– Grade Atlas and Almanac; Start Chapter 4 handout

Friday- Work on Chapter 4 Handout

Happy Holidays


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