LESSON PLANS 4/25-4/29

MONDAY- Finish Atlas; Chapter 11 Review page 347 #4 (1-10) and 348 (1-6)

TUESDAY- Grade Atlas; Complete Chapter 11 Review; Start Unit 5 Maps pages 380-384 (15 total)

WED- grade Ch 11 Review; Complete Unit 5 Maps

Thursday/ Friday- Work on May Issue of Junior Scholastic

LESSON PLANS 4/17-4/22

MONDAY- no school

TUESDAY- introduce the many uses of Atlas; Pass out and begin working on using the Atlas.

WED- Work on your Atlas

THURSDAY- finish up the Atlas; Grade Atlas Friday; Work on Chapter 11 Review if not complete yet

FRIDAY- Grade Atlas; Complete Chapter 11 Review page 374 #4 (1-10) AND pg 375 # 1-6- grade Monday


Copy of ALL the project paperwork is located in google classroom for anyone to view and work on!!

Monday- Take “Grapes of Wrath” Test; Pass out rules of project, Dues Dates during the project, Notes of 4 Indian Groups; Handout Chapter 11 packet and tell what they will work on tomorrow: Voc. Builder; Color Map, Ch 11 Lesson 2 over Inca; All papers signed work is due Wed., Groups are OPTIONAL and up to the student!! Supplies are due Monday

TUESDAY- Reminder of papers due tomorrow signed; Complete Voc Builder, color map; Ch 11 Lesson 2 guided reading in the handout; Read pages 360-365 over the Inca

WED- Check for signature on papers; reminder supplies are due Monday; Work on “filling in notes”; handout Indian Project paper selecting partner and topic;

THURSDAY- Fill in Notes; Reminder all supplies due Monday

FRIDAY- Complete filling in notes; Start doing rough draft work in google docs; DO NOT SHARE rough draft with me!! Only share the final copy with me once I see it first; Supplies due Monday;

Dates may need to be moved and adjusted.

LESSON PLANS 1/17-1/21


TUESDAY- Go over Chapter 5 Lesson 1 (pgs6-8); Prepare for Ch 5Lesson 1 Quiz; work on pages 9-12

WED. Take Chapter 5 Lesson 1 Quiz; Complete pages 9-12; read Chapter 5 Lesson 2

THURSDAY- go over pages 9-12 together; start lesson 2 pages 13-14; quiz 2 tomorrow

FRIDAY- takes Quiz 2; read chapter 5 lesson 3 and do guided reading as you read 15-18 not homework; will finish Monday

LESSON PLANS 1/10-1/14

MONDAY- take Canadian Map Test; Complete Jr Scholastic (December Issue) due Tuesday; Word Wall #6 due Thursday, Test Friday; Read Chapter 5 Lesson 1

TUESDAY- Grade Jr Scholastic; Handout Chapter 5 Handout; Do Voc. Skills 1-3 AND Geography Skills pages 4-5) due tomorrow and will grade; Read Chapter 5 lesson 1

WED.- Grade Pages 1-5 in Chapter 5 Handout; We will cover Chapter 5 Lesson 1 by doing the guided reading together in the handout pages 6-8. Word Wall #6 due tomorrow and Test Friday;

THURSDAY- Word Wall #6 due and Test tomorrow; Complete Chapter 5 Lesson 1 guided Reading; Do a Kahoot for the Test tomorrow;

FRIDAY- Word Wall #6 Test; Handout Word Wall #7 due 2-3 and Test 2-4;  Start on pages 9-12 in Chapter 5 handout after pages 6-8 are complete,

LESSON PLANS 12-6/12-10 AND 12-13/12-17

MONDAY- Word Wall #5 Retakes this morning or Tuesday morning; Finish and grade 3 branches of government handouts and use lists on the quiz; Work on Word Wall #6

TUESDAY- Any retakes of Word Wall #5; Start Pearl Harbor Lesson; Listen to Pearl Harbor speech;

WED. Continue working on Pearl Harbor lesson

Thursday- Complete and go over Pearl Harbor lesson; File papers from 2nd nine weeks

Friday- Pass out Exam review to study;  Tell everyone their exam schedule; may start Jr scholastic December issue


Monday and Tuesday- regular school day- work on Jr Scholastic; Cover Exam review for bonus points;

WED:EXAMS for periods 6 and 7

THURSDAY- Exam periods 1st and 3rd; 5th and out of school at 12:15

FRIDAY- Exams 2nd and 4th; then 8th and out of school at 12:25-

LESSON PLANS 11-29/12-3

MONDAY- take notes over 3 branches of government; Reminder of Word Wall #5 due Thursday and test Friday

TUESDAY- If absent Monday, copy notes from the board; Work on 3 branches of government handout- due tomorrow; Create 3 note cards on construction paper I provided;

WED.- Grade 3 branches of government handout; finish 3 note cards; Reminder Word Wall #5 due tomorrow and test Friday; Fill in blanks on handout covering  duties of the 3 branches of government; Start Tree handout

THURSDAY- Grade Word Wall #5 definitions; test tomorrow; Grade note cards and fill in the blanks handout; Take 3 branches of government Test; Finish the tree handout over branches due tomorrow;

FRIDAY- Tree handout is due; Take Word Wall #5 Test; handout Word Wall #6

LESSON PLANS 11-8/11-12

MONDAY- Complete any late or retakes of the Religions Project, fill in Religions symbol ; Passout Jr Scholastic Nov. issue

TUESDAY- Work and finish Jr Scholastic handout; complete Word Wall #4 due Thursday and Test Friday

WED. grade Jr Scholastic November Issue; Word Wall #4 due tomorrow and Test Friday; start Map and Almanac handout

Thursday- check Word Wall #4; Test Tomorrow, work on Map and Almanac

FRIDAY- Take Word Wall #4 Test; handout out Word Wall #5; work on Map and Almanac




LESSON PLANS 10-18/10-22

MONDAY- No school

Tuesday-grade Jr Scholastic handout; Introduce Religions Project with certain due dates- Project due 10-28th; Paper signed by tomorrow

WED.- Start project; return papers signed;

Thursday- Work on Project

Friday- information handout due Monday; Finish filling in information handout; start making you final project due 28th,

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