MONDAY- Word Wall #7 due; Test tomorrow; Review for the test with the class; Complete Chapter 6 Handout pages 1-7

TUESDAY- Quick Review; Take Word Wall #7 Test; Pages 1-7 are due tomorrow for grade;  Word Wall #8 is the last page in your Chapter 6 handout;

WED- finish up covering pages 6-7 as a class going through section 2; EXTRA CREDIT OFFER- you may do pages 11-14 due Friday;

THURSDAY- Assign Chapter 6 Lesson 3 reading and covering guided reading pages 8-10; not homework

FRIDAY- EXTRA CREDIT DUE; Finish Chapter 6 Lesson 3 pages 8-10 and go over as a class; Start Chapter 6 BOOK REVIEW pages 220 #4 (1-7) AND page 221 (1-6); Not Homework, we will work on it Monday as well.